What goes into putting on a drone Light show?

Artist: Ilona McGuire

How we conduct a
drone light shoW

Stellar Lights shows are designed and delivered by our highly experienced team.

Each new light show is a customised artistic production that involves detailed planning. We begin the process by consulting with clients to ensure we tell your unique story. Our animators work in close collaboration with you to design a choreography rich in colour and dynamic movement. Elements such as music and dance can also be incorporated to further enrich the experience of your audience.

Our technical team manage the logistics from flight planning to rigorous testing to ensure safe delivery of our shows. They have decades of combined experience in aviation and drone operations.  Gaining regulatory approval from Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is essential for each event. You can read more about our technical expertise here.

Our Drone Fleet

Our drones are specifically built for light shows: lightweight, compact and able to OPERATE IN MOST CONDITIONS. Equipped with an LED globe, each drone in the fleet acts as one pixel of light in the overall animation. We can program more than 16 million colour combinations.

Stellar Lights operates one of the largest fleets of light show drones in the southern hemisphere. 

An environmentally friendly alternative to fireworks

Around the world, drone light shows are replacing fireworks as an environmentally friendly alternative. Unlike fireworks, drones are re-usable and don’t release any smoke or chemical pollution. There is also no excessive noise, resulting in a reduced impact to pets and native wildlife. In areas prone to bushfires, public perception of drone light shows is becoming more favourable than explosive firework displays. 

Why choose a drone light show for your next big event?

Drone light shows are the perfect family-friendly attraction for festivals, holidays and celebrations. Your upcoming event could be amongst the very first to showcase this inspiring new medium. Key dates for 2022 and beyond are already being reserved so please get in touch if you are considering a drone light show for your next big event.


We are now taking bookings for shows in 2022.
Please get in touch so we can discuss your requirements.